International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium

Examination Rules and Security

Failure to follow candidate instructions or conduct that results in violation of security or disruption of the administration of an examination may result in dismissal from the examination, voided examination scores, and forfeiture of examination fees. 

Examples of misconduct include, but are not limited to: 

  • Writing on anything other than the authorized scratch paper provided at the administration site
  • Looking at other candidate's examination
  • Discussing examination content before, during, or after administration orally, electronically or in writing with any person or entity
  • Copying or removing examination information from the testing area
  • Use of cellphones or other electronic devices

Candidates may not attend the examination only to review or audit test materials. No unauthorized persons will be admitted into the testing area. All examination content is strictly confidential. Candidates may only communicate about the examination, using appropriate forms provided within the examination delivery system.

No books, papers, or other reference materials may be taken into the examination room. An area will be provided for storage of such materials.

No questions concerning the content of the examination may be asked during the examination period. The candidate should listen carefully to the directions given by the Proctor and read the examination directions carefully.

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